Makambako Mission Tanzania 5th – 17th 2022
28,000 decisions for Christ!!
I began my missions in Africa this year with a mission with three other evangelists of the East African Crusade (EAC) group lead by Evangelist Carl Butler to the town of Makambako in central/southern Tanzania.
Despite some extremely cold and windy conditions due to the town’s high altitude, and a less than ideal crusade site (a truck wash park!) the local church was very faithful to its task, and we preached to crowds of around 3-4,000. We saw God do some powerful things from healing chest pain, knee pain for a year, long term womb issues to long term numbness disappearing.
We had tremendous in success in the school’s ministry, and overall, combining schools and crusades, for the whole mission, we saw the biggest number of people make decisions for Jesus at any of the EAC crusades far!
Schools’ crusades
The four evangelists worked as two teams in this crusade I was working with experienced CfaN ordained Evangelist Angelin Kouadio for school’s work, who I had trained with in the USA. Using our CfaN school’s locator ap on our phones and we covered a huge number of local schools, as you can see from the phone screenshot. The red markers on the ap mark the places of the schools we attended. The numbers at the school, and the numbers responding to the gospel all get carefully recorded, and each child gets a follow up book.

Fire conference
At a large packed out church as part of the mission evangelists team, I did a 3 day fire conference, where we saw a real move of God amongst the local church. The purpose of the fire conference is to bring an impartation of the power of the Holy Spirit upon the local church, so that powerful evangelism can continue after the crusade is completed/. There was no doubt about the hunger of the local church for revival!

On to the crusade….
We had a great new large stage constructed for this crusade, which gave plenty of room for the worship team dancers and evangelists…..

The ‘sound car’ – used for advertising around the streets and for
the P.A for the pop-up crusades outside the main crusade site.

The Team….

Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!