The Three Missions Spring/Summer 2021
A Harvest in Tanzania and Kenya!
My CfaN Crusade initiation training
60,752 Decisions for Christ!!
Wow! There is so much to give the glory and thank God for! God gloriously moved in each one of the three missions, during my trip to Tanzania and Kenya in 2021. Amid the fear of Covid, I was able to bring the joy of God’s good news of life through Jesus!
Wow! There is so much to give the glory and thank God for! God gloriously moved in each one of the three missions, during my trip to Tanzania and Kenya in 2021. Amid the fear of Covid, I was able to bring the joy of God’s good news of life through Jesus!
MISSION 1: The CfaN Initiation mission which involved preaching to thousands, in towns villages and schools and healing the sick.
MISSION 2: A 2000km 10-day crusade scouting trip. My role was to find locations and to plan for 7 big crusades …. which have produced results of 1000’s of salvations already!
MISSION 3: On air ministry in Nakuru Kenya to be broadcast to 7.5 million potential viewers, including the capital city, Nairobi.
I took part in the CfaN initiation mission which, for me, was based in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro. It was composed of outdoor preaching which included preaching from specially equipped gospel trucks, marketplace preaching, one to one outreaches and schools ministry.
Truck and marketplace preaching
One this part of this trip, at small marketplace, town and village locations (where we were turning up at very many locations every day) with no prior advertising, I was preaching and seeing many – up to almost 100 salvations – at each location.
We were also seeing hundreds of remarkable miraculous healings as confirmation of the gospel. Right in front of my eyes a deaf boy was healed! We tested him in front of his parents, and he could hear us calling to him from behind!
We took our preaching truck to a Masai village. This man I prayed for had a large visible tumor on his abdomen. When we prayed… glory to God…. it completely disappeared!!! Here he is in the picture giving his testimony showing where the tumor had been….
I was witnessing to this group…
and this Muslim man became a Christian
and God healed his ankle!
This man threw away his stick
when God powerfully healed his leg.
I was preaching in front of
entire schools ranging from about 400-1800 pupils
“Hands up if you want to receive Jesus…..!!” We preached with a rate of 85-90% of the children making decisions to accept Jesus!
At the end of the initiation three-week missions, THE 94 CFAN EVANGELISTS, INCLUDING MYSELF, HAD LED 316,458 PEOPLE TO CHRIST!
My group included 4 other evangelists who I worked with, and we saw over 8000 salvations in a single week including the schools.
After this initiation mission were the 5-day Decapolis crusades in 5 locations, including the beautiful mountainous area around the city of Morogoro. Here in Morogoro crowds for the crusades were around 30,000 to 40,000.
For all the 5 different Decapolis locations, 553,300 PEOPLE ATTENDED THE MEETINGS.
60,752 people made documented decisions for Christ!
I researched and organized a 10-day trip to search out a region in Tanzania to find locations for 7 crusades. It turned out to be an epic adventure through wilderness, open bushland, and a national park!!!
The map shows the route I felt God led me to take….
and the locations I found
This scouting trip gave me excellent experience in crusade planning, directing and organization. I worked with an experienced African crusade director.
Envisioned, Equipped and Empowered!!!!
On the trip we met with hundreds of bishops and pastors in different locations. Our task was to:
1) Envision the leadership with the vision for evangelism and the Decade of Double Harvest!
2) Equip. Show the leadership how practically to organize a mass crusade and equip them for the task.
3) Empower. Pray for them to have an impartation of the Fire and Passion of the Holy Spirit!!
4) Assess. We had to carefully assess if the town had enough potential for a crusade, and what steps the local church needed to take to make this a possibility.
Each location and town had criteria and conditions to meet before we could form and appoint a local crusade committee, to start the process of planning and preparation for a crusade.
Assessing a potential crusade ground for its suitability, in a town called Ifakara.
lready these crusades are bearing fruit and literally thousands are being saved!
The first two crusades in Gairo and Mpwapwa, at locations we selected on the scouting trip. Other evangelists have preached at these places and literally thousands of people have been saved.
Signs and Wonders! In different locations on the scouting trip, I also did teaching and preaching. Here below is a widow’s group in Gairo. God is always faithful and will confirm his word with signs and healings (Mark 16:20). The picture shows four of the ladies who were healed after the meeting. One lady had some amazing healing from paralysis. One lady came with severe hip, back and leg pain. She testified to the meeting that she ‘could barely walk’ when she came to the meeting, but after prayer, her pain disappeared! “Now I can run!!” she said thanking God!
GREAT NEWS! The 5 towns which I scouted out for missions which were completed in 2021 saw a total of over 76,000 Decisions for Christ!!
STOP PRESS!!! When the missions in ALL 7 TOWNS I scouted were completed in 2022, this total number of Decisions for Jesus grew to 119,000!!!
Here I was invited by national church leader Dr Bishop Charles Marita (who worked with International Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke) to participate in making live TV and online recordings for his new TV station, TUMAINI TV in Nakuru. This station now has a coverage of a potential audience of 7.5 million people including the whole of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya.
I recorded all the sessions for a full (approx.) 6-hour conference on Evangelism and Discipleship, two Bible studies on Evangelism and Spiritual Authority. I also recorded over a dozen gospel sermons.
All of my preaching and teaching I did in Kenya is appearing online translated into Swahili and being repeated on Kenyan TV. The number of Swahili speaking people in the world numbers approx. 130 million people and as the coverage of Tumaini TV rapidly increases the vision is to reach more and more of this potentially huge African audience. I consider this a precious and wonderful partnership and friendship with Bishop Dr Charles and I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity to preach to thousands of people online – and for these to be recorded, so that God can use these recordings for years to come!
Let’s thank God for all the souls saved and lives transformed on this trip!
Thanks so much to my supporters for your prayers and financial help – you can see what it has achieved!
Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!